Join us for Sunday Sessions @The G! Every Sunday throughout February we have a fantastic Canberra musician playing from 3pm – 6pm! The perfect way to spend your Sunday afternoons this Summer! Stick around for our FREE Members Sunday Raffle directly after the gig at 6pm!
Cool Cash Members Badge Draw – Starting July! Join us at Canberra Labor Club, Central Social Club, Weston Creek Labor Club and Ginninderra Labor Club each Monday and Thursday Night for your chance to WIN! Terms and conditions apply. See reception for details. TP 24/01320
Join us @The G for Charny Joker every Friday starting July 5th! TP ACT O 24/00006
Let’s MEAT @ THE G and join us for our FREE Members Raffles Finish up the weekend at your local Labor Club. We’ve got: 20 Meat Trays will be up for grabs, PLUS $100 cash prize at the conclusion of the draw Entries are open from 10am. Receive random entries when using the club’s facilities throughout the day . Entries close 6pm with the draw beginning at 6pm. For the information of members. ONGOING THROUGHOUT CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR HOLIDAY PERIOD 2024/2025.
Join us at your local Labor Club for our Thursday Night Raffles! With tonnes of prizes to be won across our clubs! Canberra Labor Club Weston Creek Labor Club Ginninderra Labor Club Tickets will be on sale from 5:30 pm every Thursday with the raffles beginning from 7pm. Terms & Conditions – Thursday Night Raffles Canberra Labor Club Belconnen Weston Creek Labor Club Ginninderra Labor Club Ongoing throughout the Christmas Holiday period Dec 24 and Jan 2025.
INFUSION TRIVIA @THE G! Infusion Trivia comes to Ginninderra Labor Club on Monday the 6th of February! If you’re looking for something unique, different and exciting to liven up your Monday Night, then look no further then Infusion Trivia! Infusion takes traditional game shows that everyone knows and loves and infuses them into an action packed Trivia night with a modern twist! With a dynamic Live Scoreboard, mobile keypads for teams to buzz answers, Infusion Trivia will keep you engaged and having fun, with great prizes for winners! Bring along your family and friends to liven up your Monday nights at 7pm!
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MARBLE RUN Congratulations to our winners of the previous month – September – The Cerebral Palsy Centre! The Canberra Labor Club Group Community Engagement Marble Run is at Weston Creek Labor Club this month! In the running to earn themselves $5K in funding are as follows: Weston Creek Indians Weston Creek Molonglo Wildcats JAFC Weston Creek Bowling Club When a member spends $10 on food or beverage, they can take their receipt to reception to collect their marbles. They then deposit the marbles into marble run of the organization of their choice The organization with the most marbles at the end of the month will receive the $5000. To receive the marbles the participant must be a member of the Labor Club group. Marbles are awarded on food and beverage spend only.
Coming Soon!