

The Canberra Labor Club

is proud to support our local Community

From Staff volunteering days with Oz Harvest through to our Community Contributions where we support over 85 local community groups, schools and non-profits, Canberra Labor Club Group recognises the importance of giving back.

The following is a list of some of the organisations that were supported by the Canberra Labor Club Group:

ACT Cancer Council
ACT Council of the Aging
ACT Darts Council
ACT Eden Monaro Cancer Support Group
ACT Eightball Association
ACT Hang Gliders and Paragliding Ass’n
ACT Rescue & Foster
Australian Cuban Friendship Society
Australian Grand Master Darts
Australian Investors Association
Australian Red Cross
Australian Society of Zoo Keeping
Belconnen Junior Australian Football Club
Belconnen United Sharks
Belwest Foxes Soccer Club
Calvary Hospital Foundation/Aux
Canberra BMX Club
Canberra Labor Club Golf Club
Canberra Opera
Canberra Theatre Centre
Capital Bridge Club
Central Hockey Club
Cerebral Palsy Alliance
Chapman Primary School
Charnwood Neighbourhood Watch
Deaf ACT
Diabetes ACT
Duffy Primary School
Emu Ridge Neighbourhood Watch
Evatt Calisthenics
Evatt Primary School
First Aid for Motorcyclists
Fisher Neighbourhood Watch
Fraser Primary School
Friends of ACT Trees
Ginninderra Rats Basketball Club
GOPIO Canberra Inc
Hall Bushrangers Rugby Union Club
Hockey ACT
Indian Seniors
Initiatives for Women in Need
Iranian Community
Italian Seniors
Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts
Latham Primary School
Laurel Ladies
Lebanese Community
Lung Life Support Group
Make a Wish Foundation
Marist College
Molonglo Football Club
Montessori School
National Capital Equestrian Club
National Seniors Association
Oz Tag ACT
Parents & Friends of Lesbian & Gays
Parkinson ACT
Phoenix Players
Pigeonhole Theatre
Possums Playschool
Relay for Life
Rostrum ACT
Royal Life Saving Society ACT Branch
Sids ‘n’ Kids
Scouts ACT
Sierra Leone Community
SouthCare Helicopter Fund
Spanish Carers
St John Vianney’s Primary School
St Jude Primary School
St Michaels Primary School
St Monica Primary School
St Thomas Aquinas Primary School
Thanksgiving International
The Combined Probus Club of Cooleman
Toastmasters (Early Risers)
Travelling Bowlers
University of Canberra Gridiron Club
Volunteering ACT
Weston Creek Bowling Club
Weston Creek Cricket Club
Weston Creek Woden Dodgers Basketball Club
Weston Creek Women Bowling Club
Wildcats Junior Football Club